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1) Studies reveal that capacity of the brain of an engineer reduces more than 20% by the time he completes engineering

2) 1st thing that 2 passed out engineer will discuss is cursing their colleges and faculties

3) Engineers are very focused ,even if sutta is being played at its loudest volume and his parents behind him, Engineers will be busy copying assignments

4) An Engineer never asks questions. JO BHI HAI LIKH DALO.

5) Engineers are a perfect suited for a job of watchman, they are awake till 2am completing their assignments

6) If you count the total no of files written by all Engineers of India in a year it is far more than the total sales of harry porter series

7) An Engineer sleeps 2 hours a day at home and rest in college

8) Proved fact : Arguing with your faculty in viva is like playing with pig in mud. No matter what you do, the pig will always enjoy.

9) When you have 5 assignments left ;have submissions in 1 hour and still chatting you are sure an engineer

) Most of the Engineers are virgin because they are busy writing their assignments

) Often after the student answers questions in viva , the teachers says that the chapter is not in course

) A guy with 14 flops becomes a good actor and a student with 4 ATKT’s becomes a good engineers

) What’s the most common question an Engineer asks while borrowing a book ?
Ans : When is the exam

) An Engineer is a good editor .The master copy may have 100 pages but the final copy has less than 10 pages

) Computer engineer are the only species who don’t care when they smoke cigarettes. As they care only for errors NOT for warnings.

) Engineer is extremely happy hearing the word “exam” coz exam means 1 month before vacation and 1 month after

) An Engineer is a very good cook as he’s always found in canteen

) Engineers are taken to jail as picnic

) Motto of Engineers “COPY AND LET COPY”

) Engineers’s favorite movie : TAARE ZAMEEN PAR

) The process of being an Engineer is like that of birth of a child. People are happy to see the outcome but only the hosts knows how difficult it is

) An Engineers always asks his teacher have I seen you before

) People often hire Engineers for Xerox.

) Engineers have a habit of conserving things.their son uses the same book they used in first year.

) Q : What will Engineers say to Harman baweja and pritam ?
Ans : we all are same copy cats

) Government has decided to transfer all hardcore criminals to Engineering college as its way more tortouring then jail.

) Want to become rich in no time ,open a theatre near engineering college

) If you are a girl then you have full chance of becoming an Engineer
Atleast you get full marks in internals


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